Source code for

# Copyright 2022 Ant Group Co., Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Union

from import HDataFrame
from secretflow.device import reveal
from secretflow.device.device import PYU
from import HomoBooster
from secretflow.preprocessing.binning.homo_binning import HomoBinning
from validator import GreaterThan, In, LessThan, Not, Range, Required, validate

[docs]class SFXgboost:
[docs] def __init__(self, server, clients): self.server = server self.clients = clients self.fed_bst = {} self._workers = [] for client in self.clients: self._workers.append( HomoBooster(device=client, clients=self.clients, server=self.server) ) self._workers.append( HomoBooster(device=self.server, clients=self.clients, server=self.server) ) for worker in self._workers: worker.initialize({worker.device: for worker in self._workers})
[docs] def check_params(self, params): rules = { 'max_depth': [Required, Range(1, 64, inclusive=True)], 'eta': [Required, Range(0, 1, inclusive=True)], 'objective': [ Required, In( [ "binary:logistic", "reg:logistic", "multi:softmax", "multi:softprob", "reg:squarederror", ] ), ], 'min_child_weight': [GreaterThan(0)], 'lambda': [Not(LessThan(0))], 'alpha': [Not(LessThan(0))], 'max_bin': [Required, GreaterThan(0)], 'gamma': [Not(LessThan(0))], 'subsample': [Range(0, 1, inclusive=True)], 'hess_key': [Required], 'grad_key': [Required], 'label_key': [Required], } if 'colsample_bytree' in params: rules['colsample_bytree'] = [Range(0, 1, inclusive=True)] if 'colsample_bylevel' in params: rules['colsample_bylevel'] = [Range(0, 1, inclusive=True)] if 'objective' == "multi:softmax": rules['num_class'] = [GreaterThan(0)] rules['eval_metric'] = [In(["merror", "mlogloss"])] if 'objective' == "multi:softprob": rules['num_class'] = [GreaterThan(0)] rules['eval_metric'] = [In(["merror", "mlogloss", "auc"])] return validate(rules, params)
[docs] def train( self, train_hdf: HDataFrame, valid_hdf: HDataFrame, params: Dict = None, num_boost_round: int = 10, obj=None, feval=None, maximize: bool = None, early_stopping_rounds: int = None, evals_result: Dict = None, verbose_eval: Union[int, bool] = True, xgb_model: Dict = None, callbacks: List[Callable] = None, ) -> "SFXgboost": """Federated xgboost interface for training Args: train_hdf: horizontal federation table used for training valid_hdf: horizontal federated table for validation params: dictionary of parameters num_boost_round: Number of spanning trees required obj: custom objective function, objective type is squared_error feval: custom eval evaluation function maximize: whether feval is maximized early_stopping_rounds: same as xgboost early_stooping_round option evals_result: container for storing evaluation results verbose_eval: same as xgboost verbose_eval xgb_model: xgb model file path, used for breakpoint retraining (training continuation) callbacks: list of callback functions """ # set up thread pool valid, errors = self.check_params(params) if not valid: raise Exception(f"param not legal,err msg: {errors}") columns = [x for x in train_hdf.columns] columns.remove(params["label_key"]) bin_obj = HomoBinning( bin_num=params['max_bin'], bin_names=columns, error=1e-10, max_iter=200, compress_thres=5 * params['max_bin'], ) bin_dict = reveal(bin_obj.fit_split_points(train_hdf)) bin_split_points = [] for col in columns: bin_split_points.append(bin_dict[col]) for worker in self._workers: worker.set_split_point(bin_split_points) for worker in self._workers: if xgb_model is not None and worker.device in xgb_model.keys(): xgb_partition = xgb_model[worker.device] else: xgb_partition = None if worker.device in train_hdf.partitions.keys(): self.fed_bst[worker.device] = worker.homo_train( train_hdf=train_hdf.partitions[worker.device].data, valid_hdf=valid_hdf.partitions[worker.device].data, params=params, num_boost_round=num_boost_round, obj=obj, feval=feval, maximize=maximize, early_stopping_rounds=early_stopping_rounds, evals_result=evals_result, verbose_eval=verbose_eval, xgb_model=xgb_partition, callbacks=callbacks, ) else: num_class = params["num_class"] if "num_class" in params else 2 mock_df = worker.gen_mock_data( data_num=100, columns=columns, label_name=params["label_key"], num_class=num_class, ) self.fed_bst[worker.device] = worker.homo_train( train_hdf=mock_df, valid_hdf=mock_df, params=params, num_boost_round=num_boost_round, obj=obj, feval=feval, maximize=maximize, early_stopping_rounds=early_stopping_rounds, evals_result=evals_result, verbose_eval=verbose_eval, xgb_model=xgb_partition, callbacks=callbacks, ) reveal(self.fed_bst) # wait all tasks done
[docs] def save_model(self, model_path: Dict): """Federated xgboost save model interface Args: model_path: Path of the model stored """ assert self.fed_bst is not None, "FedBooster must be train before save model" res = {} for worker in self._workers: if worker.device in model_path.keys(): res[worker.device] = worker.save_model(model_path[worker.device]) reveal(res)
[docs] def dump_model(self, model_path: Dict): """Federated xgboost dump model interface Args: model_path: Path of the model stored """ assert self.fed_bst is not None, "FedBooster must be train before dump model" res = {} for worker in self._workers: if worker.device in model_path.keys(): res[worker.device] = worker.dump_model(model_path[worker.device]) reveal(res)
[docs] def eval( self, model_path: Union[str, Dict[PYU, str]], hdata: HDataFrame, params: Dict, ): """Federated xgboost eval interface Args: model_path: Path of the model stored hdata: Horizontal dataframe to be evaluated params: Xgboost params Returns: result: Dict evaluate result """ assert isinstance( model_path, (str, Dict) ), f'Model path accepts string or dict but got {type(model_path)}.' if isinstance(model_path, str): model_path = {device: model_path for device in self._workers.keys()} res = {} for worker in self._workers: device = worker.device if device == self.server: hdata_partition = None model_path_device = "mock_path" else: hdata_partition = hdata.partitions[worker.device].data model_path_device = model_path[device] res[] = worker.homo_eval( hdata_partition, params, model_path_device ) return reveal(res)