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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# *_* coding: utf-8 *_*

# Copyright 2022 Ant Group Co., Ltd.
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""" Homo Decision Tree """
import logging
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from functools import reduce

import numpy as np
import as link
from import HDataFrame
from import DecisionTree
from import (
from import Node
from import TreeParam

[docs]class HomoDecisionTree(DecisionTree): """Class for federated version decision tree Attributes: tree_param: params for tree build data: training data, HdataFrame bin_split_points: global binning infos tree_id: tree id group_id: group_id iter_round: iter_round in the total XGBoost training progress hess_key: unique column name for hess value grad_key: unique column name for grad value label_key: unique column name for label key """
[docs] def __init__( self, tree_param: TreeParam = None, data: HDataFrame = None, bin_split_points: np.ndarray = None, group_id: int = None, tree_id: int = None, iter_round: int = None, hess_key: str = "hess", grad_key: str = "grad", label_key: str = "label", ): super(HomoDecisionTree, self).__init__( tree_param, grad_key=grad_key, hess_key=hess_key, label_key=label_key ) = data self.bin_split_points = bin_split_points self.group_id = group_id self.tree_id = tree_id self.iter_round = iter_round self._exist_key = {} self._sync_version = 0 self.role = link.get_role() self.hess_key = hess_key self.grad_key = grad_key
[docs] def key(self, name: str) -> str: if name in self._exist_key: key = self._exist_key[name] else: key = f"HomoDT/{self.group_id}/{self.tree_id}/{name}" self._exist_key[name] = key return key
[docs] def get_valid_features_by_tree(self): if self.role == link.SERVER: self.header = [field for field in] self.columns_filter() self.valid_features = self.feature_col_sample( self.header, self.colsample_bytree ) link.send_to_clients( name=self.key('valid_features_bytree'), value=self.valid_features, version=self._sync_version, ) if self.role == link.CLIENT: self.header = [field for field in] self.columns_filter() self.valid_features = link.recv_from_server( name=self.key('valid_features_bytree'), version=self._sync_version, ) self.feature_col_sample(self.header, self.colsample_bytree)
[docs] def get_valid_features_by_level(self): if self.role == link.SERVER: self.valid_features = self.feature_col_sample( self.header, self.colsample_by_level ) link.send_to_clients( name=self.key('valid_features_bylevel'), value=self.valid_features, version=self._sync_version, ) if self.role == link.CLIENT: self.valid_features = link.recv_from_server( name=self.key('valid_features_bylevel'), version=self._sync_version, )
[docs] def cal_root_node(self): if self.role == link.CLIENT: g_sum, h_sum = self.get_grad_hess_sum( # initialize node link.send_to_server( name=self.key('root_g_sum'), value=g_sum, version=self._sync_version ) link.send_to_server( name=self.key('root_h_sum'), value=h_sum, version=self._sync_version ) if self.role == link.SERVER: g_list = link.recv_from_clients( name=self.key('root_g_sum'), version=self._sync_version, ) h_list = link.recv_from_clients( name=self.key('root_h_sum'), version=self._sync_version, ) global_g_sum = np.sum(np.array(g_list), axis=0) global_h_sum = np.sum(np.array(h_list), axis=0) link.send_to_clients( name=self.key('global_root_g_sum'), value=global_g_sum, version=self._sync_version, ) link.send_to_clients( name=self.key('global_root_h_sum'), value=global_h_sum, version=self._sync_version, ) if self.role == link.CLIENT: g_sum = link.recv_from_server( name=self.key('global_root_g_sum'), version=self._sync_version, ) h_sum = link.recv_from_server( name=self.key('global_root_h_sum'), version=self._sync_version, ) root_node = Node( id=0, sum_grad=g_sum, sum_hess=h_sum, weight=self.splitter.node_weight(g_sum, h_sum), sample_num=len(, ) self.cur_layer_node = [root_node] self.cur_layer_datas = []
[docs] @staticmethod def cal_local_hist_bags( cur_to_split, cur_data_frame, bin_split_points, valid_features, use_missing, grad_key, hess_key, thread_pool, ): local_histograms = FeatureHistogram.calculate_histogram( data_frame_list=cur_data_frame, bin_split_points=bin_split_points, valid_features=valid_features, use_missing=use_missing, grad_key=grad_key, hess_key=hess_key, thread_pool=thread_pool, ) local_hist_bags = [] for idx, node in enumerate(cur_to_split): local_hist_bags.append( HistogramBag(local_histograms[idx],, node.parent_nodeid) ) return local_hist_bags
[docs] def cal_split_info_list(self, agg_histograms): if self.role == link.SERVER: g_histograms = [] len_histograms = [len(x) for x in agg_histograms] if len(set(len_histograms)) != 1: raise Exception("histogram from each party must be same length") for node_idx in range(len(agg_histograms[0])): node_histograms = [] for party_idx in range(len(agg_histograms)): node_histograms.append(agg_histograms[party_idx][node_idx]) hist_bag = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, node_histograms) g_histograms.append(hist_bag) self.split_info_list = self.splitter.find_split( g_histograms, self.valid_features, self.use_missing ) link.send_to_clients( name=self.key("split_info_list"), value=self.split_info_list, version=self._sync_version, ) else: self.split_info_list = link.recv_from_server( name=self.key("split_info_list"), version=self._sync_version, )
[docs] def fit(self): """Enter for homo decision tree""" # setup thread pool thread_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.num_parallel) logging.debug( 'begin to fit local decision tree, tree id {}'.format(self.tree_id) ) self.get_valid_features_by_tree() self.cal_root_node() tree_height = self.max_depth + 1 # non-leaf node height + 1 layer leaf for dep in range(tree_height): if self.colsample_by_level < 1: self.get_valid_features_by_level() if dep + 1 == tree_height: if self.role == link.CLIENT: for node in self.cur_layer_node: # reaching the maximum depth # stop spliting and add this node to model as leaf node.is_leaf = True self.tree_node.append(node) break if self.role == link.CLIENT: logging.debug(f'start to fit layer {dep}') agg_local_histograms = [] for batch_id, idx in enumerate( range(0, len(self.cur_layer_node), self.max_split_nodes) ): local_hist_bags = HomoDecisionTree.cal_local_hist_bags( self.cur_layer_node[idx : idx + self.max_split_nodes], self.cur_layer_datas[idx : idx + self.max_split_nodes], self.bin_split_points, self.valid_features, self.use_missing, self.grad_key, self.hess_key, thread_pool, ) agg_local_histograms.extend(local_hist_bags) link.send_to_server( name=self.key("agg_local_histograms"), value=agg_local_histograms, version=self._sync_version, ) agg_histograms = None if self.role == link.SERVER: agg_histograms = link.recv_from_clients( name=self.key("agg_local_histograms"), version=self._sync_version, ) self.cal_split_info_list( agg_histograms, ) if self.role == link.CLIENT: new_layer_node, new_layer_data = self.update_tree( self.cur_layer_node, self.split_info_list, self.cur_layer_datas ) self.cur_layer_node = new_layer_node self.cur_layer_datas = new_layer_data self._sync_version += 1 thread_pool.shutdown() if self.role == link.CLIENT: self.convert_bin_to_real() logging.debug( f'finish tree build info: iter_round={self.iter_round} group_id={self.group_id} done' ) return self.tree_node