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# Copyright 2022 Ant Group Co., Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import math
from typing import Tuple, List
import numpy as np
from .xgb_tree import XgbTree
from secretflow.device import PYUObject, proxy

[docs]@proxy(PYUObject) class XgbTreeWorker: ''' use in XGB model. do some compute works that only use one partition' dataset. ''' def __init__(self, idx: int) -> None: self.work_idx = idx def predict_weight_select(self, x: np.ndarray, tree: XgbTree) -> np.ndarray: ''' computer leaf nodes' sample selects known by this partition. Args: x: dataset from this partition. tree: tree model store by this partition. Return: leaf nodes' selects ''' x = x if isinstance(x, np.ndarray) else np.array(x) split_nodes = len(tree.split_features) select = np.zeros((x.shape[0], split_nodes + 1), dtype=np.int8) # should parallel in c++ for r in range(x.shape[0]): row = x[r, :] idxs = list() idxs.append(0) while len(idxs): idx = idxs.pop(0) if idx < split_nodes: f = tree.split_features[idx] v = tree.split_values[idx] if f == -1: # if node split by others partition's feature # mark all split paths in tree. idxs.append(idx * 2 + 1) idxs.append(idx * 2 + 2) else: # if node split by this partition's feature # mark the clearly split path in tree. if row[f] < v: idxs.append(idx * 2 + 1) else: idxs.append(idx * 2 + 2) else: leaf_idx = idx - split_nodes select[r, leaf_idx] = 1 return select def _qcut(self, x: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, List]: sorted_x = np.sort(x, axis=0) remained_count = len(sorted_x) assert remained_count > 0, 'can not qcut empty x' value_category = list() last_value = None split_points = list() expected_bin_count = math.ceil(remained_count / self.buckets) current_bin_count = 0 for v in sorted_x: if v != last_value: if len(value_category) <= self.buckets: value_category.append(v) if current_bin_count >= expected_bin_count: split_points.append(v) if len(split_points) == self.buckets - 1: break remained_count -= current_bin_count expected_bin_count = math.ceil( remained_count / (self.buckets - len(split_points)) ) current_bin_count = 0 last_value = v current_bin_count += 1 if len(value_category) <= self.buckets: # full dataset category count <= buckets # use category as split point. split_points = value_category[1:] elif split_points[-1] != sorted_x[-1]: # add max sample value into split_points like xgboost. split_points.append(sorted_x[-1]) split_points = list(map(float, split_points)) def upper_bound_bin(x: float): count = len(split_points) pos = 0 while count > 0: step = math.floor(count / 2) v = split_points[pos + step] if x == v: return pos + step + 1 elif x > v: pos = pos + step + 1 count -= step + 1 else: count = step return pos bins = np.vectorize(upper_bound_bin)(x) return bins, split_points def build_maps(self, x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: ''' split features into buckets and build maps use in train. Args: x: dataset from this partition. Return: leaf nodes' selects ''' # order_map: record sample belong to which bucket of all features. self.order_map = np.zeros((x.shape[0], x.shape[1]), dtype=np.int8) # split_points: bucket split points for all features. self.split_points = [] # feature_buckets: how many buckets in each feature. self.feature_buckets = [] # features: how many features in dataset. self.features = x.shape[1] # buckets_map: a sparse 0-1 array use in compute the gradient sums. buckets_map = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 0), dtype=np.int8) for f in range(x.shape[1]): bins, split_point = self._qcut(x[:, f]) self.order_map[:, f] = bins total_buckets = len(split_point) + 1 f_buckets_map = np.zeros((x.shape[0], total_buckets), dtype=np.int8) sum_bin_idx = np.array([], dtype=np.int64) for b in range(total_buckets): bin_idx = np.flatnonzero(bins == b) sum_bin_idx = np.concatenate((sum_bin_idx, bin_idx), axis=None) f_buckets_map[sum_bin_idx, b] = 1 buckets_map = np.concatenate((buckets_map, f_buckets_map), axis=1) self.feature_buckets.append(total_buckets) # last bucket is split all samples into left child. # using infinity to simulation xgboost pruning. split_point.append(float('inf')) self.split_points.append(split_point) return buckets_map def global_setup(self, x: np.ndarray, buckets: int, seed: int) -> np.ndarray: ''' Set up global context. ''' np.random.seed(seed) x = x if isinstance(x, np.ndarray) else np.array(x) self.buckets = buckets buckets_map = self.build_maps(x) return buckets_map def update_buckets_count(self, buckets_count: List[int]) -> None: ''' save how many buckets in each partition's all features. ''' self.buckets_count = buckets_count def tree_setup(self, colsample: float) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, int]: ''' Set up tree context and do col sample if colsample < 1 ''' self.tree = XgbTree() if colsample < 1: choices = math.ceil(self.features * colsample) self.col_choices = np.sort( np.random.choice(self.features, choices, replace=False) ) buckets_choices = [] buckets_count = 0 buckets_start = 0 for f_idx, f_buckets_size in enumerate(self.feature_buckets): if f_idx in self.col_choices: buckets_choices.extend( range(buckets_start, buckets_start + f_buckets_size) ) buckets_count += f_buckets_size buckets_start += f_buckets_size return np.array(buckets_choices, dtype=np.int32), buckets_count else: self.col_choices = None return None, sum(self.feature_buckets) def tree_finish(self) -> XgbTree: return self.tree def _find_split_bucket(self, split_bucket: int) -> int: ''' check if this partition contains split bucket. ''' pre_end_pos = 0 for work_idx in range(len(self.buckets_count)): current_end_pod = pre_end_pos + self.buckets_count[work_idx] if split_bucket < current_end_pod: if work_idx == self.work_idx: # split bucket is inside this partition's feature return split_bucket - pre_end_pos else: # split bucket is from other partition. return -1 pre_end_pos += self.buckets_count[work_idx] assert False, "should not be here, _is_primary_split" def _get_split_feature(self, split_bucket: int) -> Tuple[int, int]: ''' find split bucket is belong to which feature. ''' pre_end_pos = 0 for f_idx in range(len(self.feature_buckets)): if self.col_choices is not None and f_idx not in self.col_choices: continue current_end_pod = pre_end_pos + self.feature_buckets[f_idx] if split_bucket < current_end_pod: return f_idx, split_bucket - pre_end_pos pre_end_pos += self.feature_buckets[f_idx] assert False, "should not be here, _get_split_feature" def do_split(self, split_buckets: List[int]) -> List[np.ndarray]: ''' record split info and generate next level's left children select. ''' lchild_selects = [] for s in split_buckets: s = self._find_split_bucket(s) if s != -1: feature, split_point_idx = self._get_split_feature(s) self.tree.insert_split_node( feature, self.split_points[feature][split_point_idx] ) # lchild' select ls = ( (self.order_map[:, feature] <= split_point_idx) .astype(np.int8) .reshape(1, self.order_map.shape[0]) ) lchild_selects.append(ls) else: self.tree.insert_split_node(-1, float("inf")) lchild_selects.append(np.array([])) return lchild_selects