Source code for

# Copyright 2022 Ant Group Co., Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import math
import time
import logging
from typing import Dict, Union, Tuple

import jax.numpy as jnp

from .core.node_split import RegType
from .core.utils import prepare_dataset
from .core import node_split as split_fn
from .core.tree_worker import XgbTreeWorker as Worker

from import FedNdarray, PartitionWay
from import VDataFrame
from secretflow.device.device.base import MoveConfig
from secretflow.device import (

[docs]class XgbModel: ''' SS Xgb Model & predict. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, spu: SPU, objective: RegType, base: float) -> None: self.spu = spu self.objective = objective self.base = base # List[Dict[PYU, PYUObject of XgbTree]], owned by pyu, only knows split value if feature belong to this pyu. self.trees = list() # List[SPUObject of np.array], owned by spu and not reveal to any one self.weights = list()
# TODO how to ser/der ? def _tree_pred(self, tree: Dict[PYU, PYUObject], weight: SPUObject) -> SPUObject: assert len(tree) == len(self.x) weight_selects = list() for worker in self.workers: device = worker.device assert device in tree s = worker.predict_weight_select(self.x[device].data, tree[device]) weight_selects.append( pred = self.spu(split_fn.predict_tree_weight)(weight_selects, weight) return pred
[docs] def predict( self, dtrain: Union[FedNdarray, VDataFrame], to_pyu: PYU = None, ) -> Union[SPUObject, FedNdarray]: ''' predict on dtrain with this model. Args: dtrain : [FedNdarray, VDataFrame] vertical split dataset. to: the prediction initiator if not None predict result is reveal to to_pyu device and save as FedNdarray otherwise, keep predict result in secret and save as SPUObject. Return: Pred values store in spu object or FedNdarray. ''' if len(self.trees) == 0: return None x, _ = prepare_dataset(dtrain) assert len(x.partitions) == len(self.trees[0]) self.workers = [Worker(0, device=pyu) for pyu in x.partitions] self.x = x.partitions preds = [] for idx in range(len(self.trees)): pred = self._tree_pred(self.trees[idx], self.weights[idx]) wait([pred]) preds.append(pred) pred = self.spu( lambda ps, base: (jnp.sum(jnp.concatenate(ps, axis=0), axis=0) + base).reshape(-1, 1) )(preds, self.base) if self.objective == RegType.Logistic: pred = self.spu(split_fn.sigmoid)(pred) if to_pyu is not None: assert isinstance(to_pyu, PYU) return FedNdarray( partitions={ to_pyu:, }, partition_way=PartitionWay.VERTICAL, ) else: return pred
[docs]class Xgb: ''' This method provides both classification and regression tree boosting (also known as GBDT, GBM) for vertical split dataset setting by using secret sharing. SS-XGB is short for secret sharing XGB. more details: Args: spu: secret device running MPC protocols '''
[docs] def __init__(self, spu: SPU) -> None: # todo: distributed XGB, work with multiple spu to support large dataset. self.spu = spu
def _update_pred(self, tree: Dict[PYU, PYUObject], weight: SPUObject) -> None: assert len(tree) == len(self.x) weight_selects = list() for worker in self.workers: device = worker.device assert device in tree s = worker.predict_weight_select(self.x[device].data, tree[device]) weight_selects.append( current = self.spu(split_fn.predict_tree_weight)(weight_selects, weight) self.pred = self.spu(lambda x, y: x + y)(self.pred, current) def _prepare( self, params: Dict, dataset: Union[FedNdarray, VDataFrame], label: Union[FedNdarray, VDataFrame], ) -> None: x, x_shape = prepare_dataset(dataset) y, y_shape = prepare_dataset(label) assert len(x_shape) == 2, "only support 2D-array on dtrain" assert len(y_shape) == 1 or y_shape[1] == 1, "label only support one col" self.samples = y_shape[0] assert self.samples == x_shape[0], "dtrain & label are not aligned" assert len(y.partitions) == 1, "label only support one partition" self.y = list(y.partitions.values())[0] self.workers = [Worker(idx, device=pyu) for idx, pyu in enumerate(x.partitions)] self.x = x.partitions self.trees = int(params.pop('num_boost_round', 10)) assert ( 1 <= self.trees <= 1024 ), f"num_boost_round should in [1, 1024], got {self.trees}" self.depth = int(params.pop('max_depth', 5)) assert ( self.depth > 0 and self.depth <= 16 ), f"max_depth should in [1, 16], got {self.depth}" = float(params.pop('learning_rate', 0.3)) assert ( > 0 and <= 1 ), f"learning_rate should in (0, 1], got {}" obj = params.pop('objective', 'logistic') assert obj in [ e.value for e in RegType ], f"objective should in {[e.value for e in RegType]}, got {obj}" self.obj = RegType(obj) self.reg_lambda = float(params.pop('reg_lambda', 0.1)) assert ( self.reg_lambda >= 0 and self.reg_lambda <= 10000 ), f"reg_lambda should in [0, 10000], got {self.reg_lambda}" self.subsample = float(params.pop('subsample', 1)) assert ( self.subsample > 0 and self.subsample <= 1 ), f"subsample should in (0, 1], got {self.subsample}" self.colsample = float(params.pop('colsample_bytree', 1)) assert ( self.colsample > 0 and self.colsample <= 1 ), f"colsample_bytree should in (0, 1], got {self.colsample}" self.base = float(params.pop('base_score', 0)) sketch = params.pop('sketch_eps', 0.1) assert sketch > 0 and sketch <= 1, f"sketch_eps should in (0, 1], got {sketch}" self.buckets = math.ceil(1.0 / sketch) self.seed = int(params.pop('seed', 42)) assert len(params) == 0, f"Unknown params {list(params.keys())}" def _global_setup(self) -> None: buckets_maps = list() for worker in self.workers: m = worker.global_setup(self.x[worker.device].data, self.buckets, self.seed) buckets_maps.append( self.spu_context = self.spu(split_fn.global_setup)( buckets_maps,, self.seed, self.reg_lambda,, ) self.pred = self.spu(split_fn.init_pred, static_argnames=('base', 'samples'))( base=self.base, samples=self.samples ) wait([self.spu_context, self.pred]) def _tree_setup(self) -> None: col_buckets_choices = [] works_buckets_count = [] for pyu_work in self.workers: choices, count = pyu_work.tree_setup(self.colsample) works_buckets_count.append(count) if self.colsample < 1: # 1. column sample choices is generate by public param 'seed', choices is not a private value # 2. spu function need to use this choices to slicing array, this operation cannot be done in secret sharing. # SO, choices send to spu vis public. col_buckets_choices.append(, MoveConfig(spu_vis='public')) ) for worker in self.workers: worker.update_buckets_count( [ for col in works_buckets_count] ) self.spu_context = self.spu( split_fn.tree_setup, static_argnames=("objective", "samples", "subsample") )( self.spu_context, self.pred, col_buckets_choices, objective=self.obj, samples=self.samples, subsample=self.subsample, )
[docs] def train( self, params: Dict, dtrain: Union[FedNdarray, VDataFrame], label: Union[FedNdarray, VDataFrame], ) -> XgbModel: '''train on dtrain and label. Args: dtrain: {FedNdarray, VDataFrame} vertical split dataset. label: {FedNdarray, VDataFrame} label column. params: Dict booster params, details are as follows booster params details: num_boost_round : int, default=10 Number of boosting iterations. range: [1, 1024] 'max_depth': Maximum depth of a tree. default: 5 range: [1, 16] 'learning_rate': Step size shrinkage used in update to prevents overfitting. default: 0.3 range: (0, 1] 'objective': Specify the learning objective. default: 'logistic' range: ['linear', 'logistic'] 'reg_lambda': L2 regularization term on weights. default: 0.1 range: [0, 10000] 'subsample': Subsample ratio of the training instances. default: 1 range: (0, 1] 'colsample_bytree': Subsample ratio of columns when constructing each tree. default: 1 range: (0, 1] 'sketch_eps': This roughly translates into O(1 / sketch_eps) number of bins. default: 0.1 range: (0, 1] 'base_score': The initial prediction score of all instances, global bias. default: 0 'seed': Pseudorandom number generator seed. default: 42 Return: XgbModel ''' start = time.time() self._prepare(params, dtrain, label) self._global_setup()"global_setup time {time.time() - start}s") model = XgbModel(self.spu, self.obj, self.base) while len(model.trees) < self.trees: start = time.time() self._tree_setup() tree, weight = self._train_tree() model.trees.append(tree) model.weights.append(weight) if len(model.trees) < self.trees: self._update_pred(tree, weight) wait([self.pred]) else: wait(list(tree.values()) + [weight])"epoch {len(model.trees) - 1} time {time.time() - start}s") return model
def _train_level(self, nodes_s: SPUObject, level: int) -> SPUObject: last_level = level == (self.depth - 1) spu_split_buckets, self.spu_context = self.spu( split_fn.find_best_split_bucket, static_argnames='last_level', num_returns_policy=SPUCompilerNumReturnsPolicy.FROM_USER, user_specified_num_returns=2, )(self.spu_context, nodes_s, last_level=last_level) lchild_ss = [] for worker in self.workers: # In the final tree model, which party hold the split feature for tree nodes is public information. # so, we can reveal 'split_buckets' to each pyu. lchild_s = worker.do_split( lchild_ss.append( childs_s = self.spu(split_fn.get_child_select)(nodes_s, lchild_ss) return childs_s def _train_tree(self) -> Tuple[Dict[PYU, PYUObject], SPUObject]: root_s = self.spu(split_fn.root_select, static_argnames=('samples',))( samples=self.samples ) nodes_s = root_s for level in range(self.depth + 1): if level < self.depth: # split nodes nodes_s = self._train_level(nodes_s, level) else: # leaf nodes weight = self.spu(split_fn.do_leaf)(self.spu_context, nodes_s) tree = {w.device: w.tree_finish() for w in self.workers} return tree, weight