Source code for

# Copyright 2022 Ant Group Co., Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import time
import math
import logging
import numpy as np
from enum import Enum, unique
import jax.numpy as jnp
from typing import Union, List, Tuple

from secretflow.utils.sigmoid import sigmoid, SigType
from import FedNdarray, PartitionWay
from import VDataFrame
from secretflow.device import SPU, SPUObject, wait, PYUObject, PYU
from import RegType, LinearModel

[docs]@unique class Penalty(Enum): NONE = 'None' L1 = 'l1' # not supported L2 = 'l2'
''' stateless functions use in LR training. please keep functions stateless to make jax happy see ''' def _predict( x: List[np.ndarray], w: np.ndarray, sig_type: str, reg_type: str, total_batch: int, batch_size: int, ): """ predict on datasets x. Args: x: input datasets. w: model weights. sig_type: sigmoid approximation type. reg_type: Linear or Logistic regression. total_batch: how many full batch in x. batch_size: how many samples use in one calculation. Return: pred scores. """ x = jnp.concatenate(x, axis=1) num_feat = x.shape[1] samples = x.shape[0] assert samples >= total_batch * batch_size, "total batch is too large" assert w.shape[0] == num_feat + 1, "w shape is mismatch to x" assert len(w.shape) == 1 or w.shape[1] == 1, "w should be list or 1D array" w = w.reshape((w.shape[0], 1)) bias = w[-1, 0] w = jnp.resize(w, (num_feat, 1)) preds = [] def get_pred(x): pred = jnp.matmul(x, w) + bias if reg_type == RegType.Logistic: pred = sigmoid(pred, sig_type) return pred end = 0 for idx in range(total_batch): begin = idx * batch_size end = (idx + 1) * batch_size x_slice = x[begin:end, :] preds.append(get_pred(x_slice)) if end < samples: x_slice = x[end:samples, :] preds.append(get_pred(x_slice)) return jnp.concatenate(preds, axis=0) def _concatenate(arrays: List[np.ndarray], axis: int) -> np.ndarray: return jnp.concatenate(arrays, axis=axis) def _init_w(base: float, num_feat: int) -> np.ndarray: # last one is bias return jnp.full((num_feat + 1, 1), base, dtype=jnp.float32) def _batch_update_w( x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, w: np.ndarray, learning_rate: float, l2_norm: float, sig_type: SigType, reg_type: RegType, penalty: Penalty, total_batch: int, batch_size: int, ) -> np.ndarray: """ update weights on dataset in one iteration. Args: dataset: input datasets. w: base model weights. learning_rate: controls how much to change the model in one epoch. batch_size: how many samples use in one calculation. sig_type: sigmoid approximation type. reg_type: Linear or Logistic regression. penalty: The penalty (aka regularization term) to be used. l2_norm: L2 regularization term. Return: W after update. """ assert x.shape[0] >= total_batch * batch_size, "total batch is too large" num_feat = x.shape[1] assert w.shape[0] == num_feat + 1, "w shape is mismatch to x" assert len(w.shape) == 1 or ( len(w.shape) == 2 and w.shape[1] == 1 ), "w should be list or 1D array" w = w.reshape((w.shape[0], 1)) assert y.shape[0] == x.shape[0], "x & y not aligned" assert len(y.shape) == 1 or ( len(y.shape) == 2 and y.shape[1] == 1 ), "Y should be be list or 1D array" y = y.reshape((y.shape[0], 1)) for idx in range(total_batch): begin = idx * batch_size end = (idx + 1) * batch_size # padding one col for bias in w x_slice = jnp.concatenate((x[begin:end, :], jnp.ones((batch_size, 1))), axis=1) y_slice = y[begin:end, :] pred = jnp.matmul(x_slice, w) if reg_type == RegType.Logistic: pred = sigmoid(pred, sig_type) err = pred - y_slice grad = jnp.matmul(jnp.transpose(x_slice), err) if penalty == Penalty.L2: w_with_zero_bias = jnp.resize(w, (num_feat, 1)) w_with_zero_bias = jnp.concatenate( (w_with_zero_bias, jnp.zeros((1, 1))), axis=0, ) grad = grad + w_with_zero_bias * l2_norm step = (learning_rate * grad) / batch_size w = w - step return w
[docs]class SSRegression: """ This method provides both linear and logistic regression linear models for vertical split dataset setting by using secret sharing with mini batch SGD training solver. SS-SGD is short for secret sharing SGD training. more detail for SGD: Linear regression fits a linear model with coefficients w = (w1, ..., wp) to minimize the residual sum of squares between the observed targets in the dataset, and the targets predicted by the linear approximation. more detail for linear regression: Logistic regression, despite its name, is a linear model for classification rather than regression. logistic regression is also known in the literature as logit regression, maximum-entropy classification (MaxEnt) or the log-linear classifier. the probabilities describing the possible outcomes of a single trial are modeled using a logistic function. This method can fit binary regularization with optional L2 regularization. more detail for logistic regression: SPU is a verifiable and measurable secure computing device that running under various MPC protocols to provide provable security. More detail for SPU: This method protects the original dataset and the final model by secret sharing the dataset to SPU device and running model fit under SPU. Args: spu: secure device. Notes: training dataset should be normalized or standardized, otherwise the SGD solver will not converge. """
[docs] def __init__(self, spu: SPU) -> None: self.spu = spu
def _prepare_dataset( self, ds: Union[FedNdarray, VDataFrame] ) -> Tuple[FedNdarray, Tuple[int, int]]: """ check data setting and get total shape. Args: ds: input dataset Return: First: dataset in unified type Second: shape concat all partition. """ assert isinstance( ds, (FedNdarray, VDataFrame) ), f"ds should be FedNdarray or VDataFrame" ds = ds if isinstance(ds, FedNdarray) else ds.values shapes = ds.partition_shape() assert len(shapes) > 0, "input dataset is empty" assert ds.partition_way == PartitionWay.VERTICAL return ds, ds.shape def _pre_check( self, x: Union[FedNdarray, VDataFrame], y: Union[FedNdarray, VDataFrame], epochs: int, learning_rate: float, batch_size: int, sig_type: str, reg_type: str, penalty: str, l2_norm: float, ): """ Parameter validity check Args: see fit() """ self.x, shape = self._prepare_dataset(x) self.samples, self.num_feat = shape assert self.samples > 0 and self.num_feat > 0, "input dataset is empty" assert self.samples > self.num_feat, ( "samples is too small: ", "1. Model will not converge; 2.Y label may leak to other parties.", ) self.y, shape = self._prepare_dataset(y) assert self.samples == shape[0] and ( len(shape) == 1 or shape[1] == 1 ), "y should be list or 1D array" assert len(self.y.partitions) == 1 assert epochs > 0, f"epochs should >0" assert learning_rate > 0, f"learning_rate should >0" assert batch_size > 0, f"batch_size should >0" assert penalty != 'l1', "not support L1 penalty for now" if penalty == Penalty.L2: assert l2_norm > 0, f"l2_norm should >0 if use L2 penalty" assert sig_type in [ e.value for e in SigType ], f"sig_type should in {[e.value for e in SigType]}, but got {sig_type}" assert reg_type in [ e.value for e in RegType ], f"reg_type should in {[e.value for e in RegType]}, but got {reg_type}" assert penalty in [ e.value for e in Penalty ], f"penalty should in {[e.value for e in Penalty]}, but got {reg_type}" self.lr_batch_size = batch_size # for large dataset, batch infeed data for each 20w*200d size. infeed_rows = math.ceil((200000 * 200) / self.num_feat) # align to lr_batch_size, for algorithm accuracy infeed_rows = int((infeed_rows + batch_size - 1) / batch_size) * batch_size self.infeed_batch_size = infeed_rows self.infeed_total_batch = math.ceil(self.samples / infeed_rows) self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.l2_norm = l2_norm self.penalty = Penalty(penalty) self.reg_type = RegType(reg_type) self.sig_type = SigType(sig_type) def _next_infeed_batch(self, ds: PYUObject, infeed_step: int) -> PYUObject: being = infeed_step * self.infeed_batch_size assert being < self.samples end = min(being + self.infeed_batch_size, self.samples) rows = end - being lr_total_batch = math.floor(rows / self.lr_batch_size) return ds[being:end], lr_total_batch def _epoch(self, spu_w: SPUObject, epoch_idx: int) -> SPUObject: """ Complete one iteration Args: spu_dataset: infeed dataset. spu_w: base W to do iteration. sig_type: sigmoid approximation type. Return: W after update in SPUObject. """ for infeed_step in range(self.infeed_total_batch): if epoch_idx == 0: x, lr_total_batch = self._next_infeed_batch(self.x, infeed_step) y, lr_total_batch = self._next_infeed_batch(self.y, infeed_step) spu_x = self.spu(_concatenate, static_argnames=('axis'))( [x.partitions[pyu].to(self.spu) for pyu in x.partitions], axis=1 ) spu_y = [y.partitions[pyu].to(self.spu) for pyu in y.partitions][0] self.batch_cache[infeed_step] = (spu_x, spu_y, lr_total_batch) else: spu_x, spu_y, lr_total_batch = self.batch_cache[infeed_step] spu_w = self.spu( _batch_update_w, static_argnames=( 'reg_type', 'penalty', 'sig_type', 'total_batch', 'batch_size', ), )( spu_x, spu_y, spu_w, self.learning_rate, self.l2_norm, sig_type=self.sig_type, reg_type=self.reg_type, penalty=self.penalty, total_batch=lr_total_batch, batch_size=self.lr_batch_size, ) return spu_w
[docs] def fit( self, x: Union[FedNdarray, VDataFrame], y: Union[FedNdarray, VDataFrame], epochs: int, learning_rate: float = 0.1, batch_size: int = 1024, sig_type: str = 't1', reg_type: str = 'logistic', penalty: str = 'None', l2_norm: float = 0.5, ) -> None: """ Fit the model according to the given training data. Args: x : {FedNdarray, VDataFrame} of shape (n_samples, n_features) Training vector, where `n_samples` is the number of samples and `n_features` is the number of features. y : {FedNdarray, VDataFrame} of shape (n_samples,) Target vector relative to X. epochs : int iteration rounds. learning_rate : float, default=0.1 controls how much to change the model in one epoch. batch_size : int, default=1024 how many samples use in one calculation. sig_type : str, default=t1 sigmoid approximation type. reg_type : str, default=logistic Linear or Logistic regression. penalty : str, default=None The penalty (aka regularization term) to be used. l2_norm : float, default=0.5 L2 regularization term. Return: Final weights in SPUObject. """ self._pre_check( x, y, epochs, learning_rate, batch_size, sig_type, reg_type, penalty, l2_norm, ) spu_w = self.spu(_init_w, static_argnames=('base', 'num_feat'))( base=0, num_feat=self.num_feat ) self.batch_cache = {} for epoch_idx in range(epochs): start = time.time() spu_w = self._epoch(spu_w, epoch_idx) wait([spu_w])"epoch {epoch_idx + 1} times: {time.time() - start}s") # todo: do early stop self.batch_cache = {} self.spu_w = spu_w
[docs] def save_model(self) -> LinearModel: """ Save fit model in LinearModel format. """ assert hasattr(self, 'spu_w'), 'please fit model first' return LinearModel(self.spu_w, self.reg_type, self.sig_type)
[docs] def load_model(self, m: LinearModel) -> None: """ Load LinearModel format model. """ assert ( isinstance(m.weights, SPUObject) and m.weights.device == self.spu ), 'weights should saved in same spu' self.spu_w = m.weights self.reg_type = m.reg_type self.sig_type = m.sig_type
[docs] def predict( self, x: Union[FedNdarray, VDataFrame], batch_size: int = 1024, to_pyu: PYU = None, ) -> Union[SPUObject, FedNdarray]: """ Predict using the model. Args: x : {FedNdarray, VDataFrame} of shape (n_samples, n_features) Predict samples. batch_size : int, default=1024 how many samples use in one calculation. to: the prediction initiator if not None predict result is reveal to to_pyu device and save as FedNdarray otherwise, keep predict result in secret and save as SPUObject. Return: pred scores in SPUObject or FedNdarray, shape (n_samples,) """ assert hasattr(self, 'spu_w'), 'please fit model first' x, shape = self._prepare_dataset(x) self.samples, self.num_feat = shape infeed_rows = math.ceil((200000 * 200) / self.num_feat) infeed_rows = int((infeed_rows + batch_size - 1) / batch_size) * batch_size self.infeed_batch_size = infeed_rows self.lr_batch_size = batch_size infeed_total_batch = math.ceil(self.samples / infeed_rows) spu_preds = [] for infeed_step in range(infeed_total_batch): batch_x, lr_total_batch = self._next_infeed_batch(x, infeed_step) spu_x = [batch_x.partitions[pyu].to(self.spu) for pyu in batch_x.partitions] spu_pred = self.spu( _predict, static_argnames=('reg_type', 'sig_type', 'total_batch', 'batch_size'), )( spu_x, self.spu_w, sig_type=self.sig_type, reg_type=self.reg_type, total_batch=lr_total_batch, batch_size=batch_size, ) spu_preds.append(spu_pred) pred = self.spu(_concatenate, static_argnames=('axis'))(spu_preds, axis=0) if to_pyu is not None: assert isinstance(to_pyu, PYU) return FedNdarray( partitions={ to_pyu:, }, partition_way=PartitionWay.VERTICAL, ) else: return pred