Source code for secretflow.preprocessing.discretization

# Copyright 2022 Ant Group Co., Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from typing import List, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import KBinsDiscretizer as SkKBinsDiscretizer

from import Partition
from import HDataFrame
from import MixDataFrame, PartitionWay
from import VDataFrame
from secretflow.device.driver import reveal
from secretflow.preprocessing.binning.homo_binning import HomoBinning
from import Aggregator
from import Comparator

_STRATEGIES = ['uniform', 'quantile']

[docs]class KBinsDiscretizer: """Bin continuous data into intervals. This KBinsDiscretizer is almost same as :py:class:`sklearn.preprocessing.KBinsDiscretizer` where the input and output are federated dataframe. Attributes: _discretizer: the sklearn.preprocessing.KBinsDiscretizer instance used. _n_bins: The number of bins to produce. _strategy: {'uniform', 'quantile'}, notice that 'kmeans' is not supported yet now. """
[docs] def __init__(self, n_bins=5, strategy: str = 'quantile') -> None: assert ( strategy in _STRATEGIES ), f'Invalid strategy {strategy}, should be one of {_STRATEGIES}' self._n_bins = n_bins self._strategy = strategy self._encode = 'ordinal'
@staticmethod def _check_dataframe(df): assert isinstance( df, (HDataFrame, VDataFrame, MixDataFrame) ), f'Accepts HDataFrame/VDataFrame/MixDataFrame only but got {type(df)}' def _fit_hdf( self, df: HDataFrame, compress_thres: int = None, error: float = None, max_iter: int = None, ): assert df.aggregator is not None, 'HDataFrame should provide a aggregator.' binner = HomoBinning( bin_num=self._n_bins, compress_thres=compress_thres, error=error, max_iter=max_iter, ) result = reveal(binner.fit_split_points(df)) discretizer = SkKBinsDiscretizer( n_bins=self._n_bins, encode=self._encode, strategy=self._strategy ) discretizer.bin_edges_ = np.array(list(result.values())) discretizer.n_bins_ = np.array([len(v) for v in result.values()]) return discretizer def _concat_discretizer(self, ests: List[SkKBinsDiscretizer]) -> SkKBinsDiscretizer: discretizer = SkKBinsDiscretizer( n_bins=self._n_bins, encode=self._encode, strategy=self._strategy ) discretizer.bin_edges_ = np.concatenate([est.bin_edges_ for est in ests]) discretizer.n_bins_ = np.concatenate([est.n_bins_ for est in ests]) return discretizer
[docs] def fit( self, df: Union[HDataFrame, VDataFrame, MixDataFrame], aggregator: Aggregator = None, comparator: Comparator = None, compress_thres: int = 10000, error: float = 1e04, max_iter: int = 200, ) -> 'KBinsDiscretizer': """Fit the estimator. Args: df: the X to fit. aggregator: optional; shall be provided if df is a horizontal partitioned MixDataFrame. comparator: optional; shall be provided if df is a horizontal partitioned MixDataFrame. compress_thres: optional; the compress threshold of :py:class:`~secretflow.preprocessing.binning.homo_binning.HomoBinning`. error: optional; the error of :py:class:`~secretflow.preprocessing.binning.homo_binning.HomoBinning`. max_iter: optional; the max iterations of :py:class:`~secretflow.preprocessing.binning.homo_binning.HomoBinning`. Returns: the instance itself. """ self._check_dataframe(df) if self._strategy == 'uniform': min_max = pd.concat( [ df.min().to_frame(name='min').transpose(), df.max().to_frame(name='max').transpose(), ] ) self._discretizer = SkKBinsDiscretizer( n_bins=self._n_bins, encode=self._encode, strategy=self._strategy ) else: # Quantile binning. if isinstance(df, HDataFrame): self._discretizer = self._fit_hdf( df, compress_thres=compress_thres, error=error, max_iter=max_iter ) elif isinstance(df, VDataFrame): def _sk_dis(n_bins, encode, strategy, df: pd.DataFrame): discretizer = SkKBinsDiscretizer( n_bins=n_bins, encode=encode, strategy=strategy ) return discretizer ests = [ reveal( device(_sk_dis)( self._n_bins, self._encode, self._strategy, ) ) for device, part in df.partitions.items() ] self._discretizer = self._concat_discretizer(ests) else: # MixDataFrame if df.partition_way == PartitionWay.HORIZONTAL: assert ( aggregator is not None ), f'Should privide a aggregator when df is a horizontal partitioned MixDataFrame.' assert ( comparator is not None ), f'Should privide a comparator when df is a horizontal partitioned MixDataFrame.' hdfs = [ HDataFrame(aggregator=aggregator, comparator=comparator) for i in range(len(df.partitions[0].partitions)) ] for vdf in df.partitions: for i, item in enumerate(vdf.partitions.items()): hdfs[i].partitions[item[0]] = item[1] ests = [ self._fit_hdf( hdf, compress_thres=compress_thres, error=error, max_iter=max_iter, ) for hdf in hdfs ] self._discretizer = self._concat_discretizer(ests) else: ests = [ self._fit_hdf( hdf, compress_thres=compress_thres, error=error, max_iter=max_iter, ) for hdf in df.partitions ] self._discretizer = self._concat_discretizer(ests) return self
def _transform( self, df: Union[HDataFrame, VDataFrame], est: SkKBinsDiscretizer ) -> Union[HDataFrame, VDataFrame]: transformed_parts = {} def _df_transform(est: SkKBinsDiscretizer, df: pd.DataFrame): new_df = df.copy() new_df.iloc[:, :] = est.transform(df) return new_df if isinstance(df, HDataFrame): for device, part in df.partitions.items(): transformed_parts[device] = Partition( device(_df_transform)(est, ) else: # VDataFrame start_idx = 0 end_idx = 0 for device, part in df.partitions.items(): end_idx += len(part.columns) est_part = SkKBinsDiscretizer( n_bins=self._n_bins, encode=self._encode, strategy=self._strategy ) est_part.bin_edges_ = est.bin_edges_[start_idx:end_idx] est_part.n_bins_ = est.n_bins_[start_idx:end_idx] transformed_parts[device] = Partition( device(_df_transform)(est_part, ) start_idx = end_idx new_df = df.copy() new_df.partitions = transformed_parts return new_df
[docs] def transform( self, df: Union[HDataFrame, VDataFrame, MixDataFrame] ) -> Union[HDataFrame, VDataFrame, MixDataFrame]: """ Discretize the data. Args: df: the X to discretize. Returns: the transformed X in federated dataframe. """ assert hasattr(self, '_discretizer'), 'Discretizer has not been fit yet.' self._check_dataframe(df) assert len(df.columns) == len(self._discretizer.n_bins_), ( f'X has {len(df.columns)} features but KBinsDiscretizer' f'is expecting {len(self._discretizer.n_bins_)} features as input.' ) if isinstance(df, (HDataFrame, VDataFrame)): return self._transform(df, self._discretizer) else: # MixDataFrame new_parts = [] if df.partition_way == PartitionWay.HORIZONTAL: for part in df.partitions: new_parts.append(self._transform(part, self._discretizer)) else: start_idx = 0 end_idx = 0 for part in df.partitions: end_idx += len(part.columns) est_part = SkKBinsDiscretizer( n_bins=self._n_bins, encode=self._encode, strategy=self._strategy, ) est_part.bin_edges_ = self._discretizer.bin_edges_[ start_idx:end_idx ] est_part.n_bins_ = self._discretizer.n_bins_[start_idx:end_idx] new_parts.append(self._transform(part, est_part)) start_idx = end_idx return MixDataFrame(partitions=new_parts)
[docs] def fit_transform( self, df: Union[HDataFrame, VDataFrame, MixDataFrame], aggregator: Aggregator = None, comparator: Comparator = None, compress_thres: int = 10000, error: float = 1e04, max_iter: int = 200, ): """Fit the estimator with X and then transform. Just a convience combine of fit and transform methods. """ df, aggregator=aggregator, comparator=comparator, compress_thres=compress_thres, error=error, max_iter=max_iter, ) return self.transform(df)