Source code for secretflow.preprocessing.scaler

# Copyright 2022 Ant Group Co., Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from typing import List, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler as SkMinMaxScaler
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler as SkStandardScaler

from import Partition
from import HDataFrame
from import MixDataFrame, PartitionWay
from import VDataFrame
from secretflow.device.driver import reveal
from import Aggregator
from secretflow.utils.errors import InvalidArgumentError

[docs]class MinMaxScaler: """Transform features by scaling each feature to a given range. Attributes: _scaler: the sklearn MinMaxScaler instance. Examples: >>> from secretflow.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler >>> scaler = MinMaxScaler() >>> >>> scaler.transform(df) """ @staticmethod def _check_dataframe(df): assert isinstance( df, (HDataFrame, VDataFrame, MixDataFrame) ), f'Accepts HDataFrame/VDataFrame/MixDataFrame only but got {type(df)}'
[docs] def fit(self, df: Union[HDataFrame, VDataFrame, MixDataFrame]): """Compute the minimum and maximum for later scaling.""" self._check_dataframe(df) min_max = pd.concat( [ df.min().to_frame(name='min').transpose(), df.max().to_frame(name='max').transpose(), ] ) self._scaler = SkMinMaxScaler()
def _transform( self, df: Union[HDataFrame, VDataFrame] ) -> Union[HDataFrame, VDataFrame]: transformed_parts = {} def _df_transform(scaler: SkMinMaxScaler, df: pd.DataFrame): new_df = df.copy() new_df.iloc[:, :] = scaler.transform(df) return new_df for device, part in df.partitions.items(): scaler = SkMinMaxScaler() mask = np.in1d( self._scaler.feature_names_in_, part.dtypes.index, assume_unique=True ) np.stack([self._scaler.data_min_[mask], self._scaler.data_max_[mask]]) ) transformed_parts[device] = Partition( device(_df_transform)(scaler, ) new_df = df.copy() new_df.partitions = transformed_parts return new_df
[docs] def transform( self, df: Union[HDataFrame, VDataFrame, MixDataFrame] ) -> Union[HDataFrame, VDataFrame, MixDataFrame]: """Scale features of X according to feature_range.""" assert hasattr(self, '_scaler'), 'Scaler has not been fit yet.' self._check_dataframe(df) if isinstance(df, (HDataFrame, VDataFrame)): return self._transform(df) else: return MixDataFrame( partitions=[self._transform(part) for part in df.partitions] )
[docs] def fit_transform(self, df: Union[HDataFrame, VDataFrame]): """Fit to X, then transform X.""" return self.transform(df)
[docs]class StandardScaler: """Standardize features by removing the mean and scaling to unit variance. StandardScaler is similar to :py:class:`sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler`. The main differences are a) takes HDataFrame/VDataFrame/MixDataFrame as input/output. b) does not support sparse matrix. The standard score of a sample `x` is calculated as: z = (x - u) / s where `u` is the mean of the training samples or zero if `with_mean=False`, and `s` is the standard deviation of the training samples or one if `with_std=False`. Attributes: _scaler : the sklearn StandardScaler instance. _with_mean : bool, default=True if True, center the data before scaling. _with_std : bool, default=True If True, scale the data to unit variance (or equivalently, unit standard deviation). Examples: >>> from secretflow.preprocessing import StandardScaler >>> data = HDataFrame(...) # your HDataFrame/VDataFrame/MixDataFrame instance. >>> scaler = StandardScaler() >>> >>> print(scaler._scaler.mean_, scaler._scaler.var_) >>> scaler.transform(data) """
[docs] def __init__(self, with_mean=True, with_std=True) -> None: """ Args: with_mean: optional; same as sklearn StandardScaler。 with_std: optional; same as sklearn StandardScaler """ self._with_mean = with_mean self._with_std = with_std
@staticmethod def _check_dataframe(df): assert isinstance( df, (HDataFrame, VDataFrame, MixDataFrame) ), f'Accepts HDataFrame/VDataFrame/MixDataFrame only but got {type(df)}' def _fit_horizontal( self, partitions: List[Partition], aggregator: Aggregator = None ) -> SkStandardScaler: means = [part.mean(numeric_only=True) for part in partitions] cnts = [part.count(numeric_only=True) for part in partitions] mean = reveal( aggregator.average( [m.values for m in means], axis=0, weights=[cnt.values for cnt in cnts] ) ) count = reveal(aggregator.sum([cnt.values for cnt in cnts], axis=0)) scaler = SkStandardScaler(with_mean=self._with_mean, with_std=self._with_std) scaler.mean_ = mean if self._with_mean else None if self._with_std: def _cal_var(mean, df: pd.DataFrame): return ((df - mean) ** 2).sum() vars = [, for part in partitions] scaler.var_ = reveal(aggregator.sum(vars, axis=0)) if not scaler.var_.shape: scaler.var_ = np.array([scaler.var_]) scaler.var_ = scaler.var_ / count scaler.scale_ = np.sqrt(scaler.var_) return scaler def _concatenate_scaler(self, scalers: List[SkStandardScaler]) -> SkStandardScaler: scaler = SkStandardScaler(with_mean=self._with_mean, with_std=self._with_std) if self._with_mean: scaler.mean_ = np.concatenate([scaler.mean_ for scaler in scalers]) else: scaler.mean_ = None if self._with_std: scaler.scale_ = np.concatenate([scaler.scale_ for scaler in scalers]) scaler.var_ = np.concatenate([scaler.var_ for scaler in scalers]) else: scaler.scale_ = None scaler.var_ = None return scaler
[docs] def fit( self, df: Union[HDataFrame, VDataFrame, MixDataFrame], aggregator: Aggregator = None, ): """Fit a federated dataframe. Args: df: the X to fit. aggregator: optional; the aggregator to compute global mean and standard variance. Shall provided if X is a horizontal partitioned MixDataFrame. """ self._check_dataframe(df) if isinstance(df, MixDataFrame): if df.partition_way == PartitionWay.HORIZONTAL: if self._with_mean or self._with_std: assert aggregator is not None, ( 'Should provide a aggregator for horinzontal partitioned' 'MixDataFrame when with_mean or with_std is true' ) parts_list = [list(part.partitions.values()) for part in df.partitions] scalers = [ self._fit_horizontal(parts, aggregator) for parts in zip(*parts_list) ] else: scalers = [ self._fit_horizontal( hdf.partitions.values(), aggregator if aggregator is not None else hdf.aggregator, ) for hdf in df.partitions ] self._scaler = self._concatenate_scaler(scalers) elif isinstance(df, HDataFrame): self._scaler = self._fit_horizontal( df.partitions.values(), aggregator if aggregator is not None else df.aggregator, ) else: # VDataFrame def _sk_fit(with_mean, with_std, df: pd.DataFrame): scaler = SkStandardScaler(with_mean=with_mean, with_std=with_std) return scaler scalers = [ reveal(device(_sk_fit)(self._with_mean, self._with_std, for device, part in df.partitions.items() ] self._scaler = self._concatenate_scaler(scalers)
def _transform( self, scaler: SkStandardScaler, df: Union[HDataFrame, VDataFrame] ) -> Union[HDataFrame, VDataFrame]: def _df_transform(scaler: SkStandardScaler, df: pd.DataFrame): new_df = df.copy() new_df.iloc[:, :] = scaler.transform(df) return new_df transformed_parts = {} if isinstance(df, HDataFrame): for device, part in df.partitions.items(): transformed_parts[device] = Partition( device(_df_transform)(scaler, ) elif isinstance(df, VDataFrame): start_idx = 0 end_idx = 0 for device, part in df.partitions.items(): end_idx += len(part.columns) part_scaler = SkStandardScaler( with_mean=self._with_mean, with_std=self._with_std ) if self._with_mean: part_scaler.mean_ = scaler.mean_[start_idx:end_idx] else: part_scaler.mean_ = None if self._with_std: part_scaler.var_ = scaler.var_[start_idx:end_idx] part_scaler.scale_ = scaler.scale_[start_idx:end_idx] else: part_scaler.var_ = None part_scaler.scale_ = None transformed_parts[device] = Partition( device(_df_transform)(part_scaler, ) start_idx = end_idx else: raise InvalidArgumentError( f'_transform accepts HDataFrame/VDataFrame only but got {type(df)}' ) new_df = df.copy() new_df.partitions = transformed_parts return new_df
[docs] def transform( self, df: Union[HDataFrame, VDataFrame, MixDataFrame] ) -> Union[HDataFrame, VDataFrame, MixDataFrame]: """Transform a federated dataframe. Args: df: the X to transform. Returns: a federated dataframe correspondint to the input X. """ # Sanity check. assert hasattr(self, '_scaler'), 'Scaler has not been fit yet.' self._check_dataframe(df) features_num = None if self._with_mean: features_num = len(self._scaler.mean_) if self._with_std: features_num = len(self._scaler.var_) if features_num is not None: assert len(df.columns) == features_num, ( f'X has {len(df.columns)} features, but StandardScaler ' f'is expecting {features_num} features as input.' ) if isinstance(df, (HDataFrame, VDataFrame)): return self._transform(self._scaler, df) else: new_parts = [] if df.partition_way == PartitionWay.HORIZONTAL: for part in df.partitions: new_parts.append(self._transform(self._scaler, part)) else: start_idx = 0 end_idx = 0 for part in df.partitions: end_idx += len(part.columns) part_scaler = SkStandardScaler( with_mean=self._with_mean, with_std=self._with_std ) part_scaler.mean_ = self._scaler.mean_[start_idx:end_idx] part_scaler.var_ = self._scaler.var_[start_idx:end_idx] part_scaler.scale_ = self._scaler.scale_[start_idx:end_idx] new_parts.append(self._transform(part_scaler, part)) start_idx = end_idx return MixDataFrame(partitions=new_parts)
[docs] def fit_transform( self, df: Union[HDataFrame, VDataFrame], aggregator: Aggregator = None ): """A convenience combine of fit and transform.""", aggregator=aggregator) return self.transform(df)