Source code for secretflow.stats.core.biclassification_eval_core

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# This is a single party based bi-classification report

from typing import List, Tuple, Union

import jax.numpy as jnp
import pandas as pd

from .utils import equal_obs, equal_range

[docs]class Report: """Report containing all other reports for bi-classification evaluation Attributes: summary_report: SummaryReport group_reports: List[GroupReport] eq_frequent_bin_report: List[EqBinReport] eq_range_bin_report: List[EqBinReport] head_report: List[PrReport] reports for fpr = 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2 """
[docs] def __init__( self, eq_frequent_result_arr_list, eq_range_result_arr_list, summary_report_arr, head_prs, ): self.eq_frequent_bin_report = [ EqBinReport(a) for a in eq_frequent_result_arr_list ] self.eq_range_result_arr_list = [ EqBinReport(a) for a in eq_range_result_arr_list ] self.summary_report = SummaryReport(summary_report_arr) self.head_report = [EqBinReport(a) for a in head_prs]
[docs]class PrReport: """Precision Related statistics Report. Attributes: fpr: float FP/(FP+TN) precision: float TP/(TP+FP) recall: float TP/(TP+FN) """
[docs] def __init__(self, arr): assert arr.size == PR_REPORT_STATISTICS_ENTRY_COUNT self.fpr = arr[0] self.precision = arr[1] self.recall = arr[2]
[docs]class SummaryReport: """Summary Report for bi-classification evaluation. Attributes: total_samples: int positive_samples: int negative_samples: int auc: float auc: area under the curve: ks: float Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics: f1_score: float harmonic mean of precision and recall: """
[docs] def __init__(self, arr): assert arr.size == SUMMARY_REPORT_STATISTICS_ENTRY_COUNT self.total_samples = arr[0] self.positive_samples = arr[1] self.negative_samples = arr[2] self.auc = arr[3] self.ks = arr[4] self.f1_score = arr[5]
[docs]class GroupReport: """Report for each group""" group_name: str summary: SummaryReport
[docs]class EqBinReport: """Statistics Report for each bin. Attributes: start_value: float end_value: float positive: int negative: int total: int precision: float recall: float false_positive_rate: float f1_score: float lift: float see predicted_positive_ratio: float predicted positive samples / total samples. predicted_negative_ratio: float predicted negative samples / total samples. cumulative_percent_of_positive: float cumulative_percent_of_negative: float total_cumulative_percent: float ks: float avg_score: float """
[docs] def __init__(self, arr): # assert arr.size == BIN_REPORT_STATISTICS_ENTRY_COUNT, "{}, {}".format(arr.size, BIN_REPORT_STATISTICS_ENTRY_COUNT) self.start_value = arr[0] self.end_value = arr[1] self.positive = arr[2] self.negative = arr[3] = arr[4] self.precision = arr[5] self.recall = arr[6] self.false_positive_rate = arr[7] self.f1_score = arr[8] self.Lift = arr[9] self.predicted_negative_ratio = arr[10] self.predicted_negative_ratio = arr[11] self.cumulative_percent_of_positive = arr[12] self.cumulative_percent_of_negative = arr[13] self.total_cumulative_percent = arr[14] self.ks = arr[15] self.avg_score = arr[16]
HEAD_FPR = [0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2] BIN_REPORT_STATISTICS_ENTRY_COUNT = 17
[docs]def gen_all_reports( y_true: Union[pd.DataFrame, jnp.array], y_score: Union[pd.DataFrame, jnp.array], bin_size: int, ): """Generate all reports. Args: y_true: Union[pd.DataFrame, jnp.array] should be of shape n * 1 and with binary entries 1 means positive sample y_score: Union[pd.DataFrame, jnp.array] should be of shape n * 1 and with each entry between [0, 1] probability of being positive bin_size: int number of bins to evaluate Returns: """ if isinstance(y_true, pd.DataFrame): y_true = y_true.to_numpy() if isinstance(y_score, pd.DataFrame): y_score = y_score.to_numpy() sorted_label_score_pair_arr = create_sorted_label_score_pair(y_true, y_score) pos_count = jnp.sum(y_true) eq_frequent_result_arr_list = eq_frequent_bin_evaluate( sorted_label_score_pair_arr, pos_count, bin_size ) eq_range_result_arr_list = eq_range_bin_evaluate( sorted_label_score_pair_arr, pos_count, bin_size ) # fill summary report # positive has index 2 positive_samples = jnp.sum( jnp.array([bin[2] for bin in eq_frequent_result_arr_list]) ) # negative has index 3 negative_samples = jnp.sum( jnp.array([bin[3] for bin in eq_frequent_result_arr_list]) ) # ks has index 15 ks = jnp.max(jnp.array([bin[15] for bin in eq_frequent_result_arr_list])) # f1 has index 8 f1 = jnp.max(jnp.array([bin[8] for bin in eq_frequent_result_arr_list])) total_samples = positive_samples + negative_samples auc = binary_roc_auc(sorted_label_score_pair_arr) summary_report_arr = jnp.array( [total_samples, positive_samples, negative_samples, auc, ks, f1] ) # fill head prs head_prs = gen_pr_reports(sorted_label_score_pair_arr, jnp.array(HEAD_FPR)) return Report( eq_frequent_result_arr_list, eq_range_result_arr_list, summary_report_arr, head_prs, )
[docs]def create_sorted_label_score_pair(y_true: jnp.array, y_score: jnp.array): """produce an n * 2 shaped array with the second column as the sorted scores, in decreasing order""" unsorted_array = jnp.concatenate([y_true, y_score], axis=1) return unsorted_array[jnp.argsort(unsorted_array[:, 1])[::-1]]
[docs]def eq_frequent_bin_evaluate( sorted_pairs: jnp.array, pos_count: int, bin_size: int ) -> List[jnp.array]: """Fill eq frequent bin report. Args: sorted_pairs: jnp.array Should be of shape n * 2 and with second col sorted pos_count: int Total number of positive samples bin_size: int Total number of bins Returns: bin_reports: List[jnp.array] """ # split points have length bin_size + 1 split_points = equal_obs(sorted_pairs[:, 1], bin_size) # split points should be reversed to become a decreasing sequence split_points = jnp.flip(split_points) # Each bin has domain (split_left, split_right] return evaluate_bins(sorted_pairs, pos_count, split_points)
[docs]def eq_range_bin_evaluate( sorted_pairs: jnp.array, pos_count: int, bin_size: int ) -> List[jnp.array]: """Fill eq range bin report. Args: sorted_pairs: jnp.array Should be of shape n * 2 and with second col sorted. pos_count: int Total number of positive samples bin_size: int Total number of bins Returns: bin_reports: List[jnp.array] """ # split points have length bin_size + 1 split_points = equal_range(sorted_pairs[:, 1], bin_size) # split points should be reversed to become a decreasing sequence split_points = jnp.flip(split_points) # Each bin has domain (split_left, split_right] return evaluate_bins(sorted_pairs, pos_count, split_points)
[docs]def evaluate_bins( sorted_pairs: jnp.array, pos_count: int, split_points ) -> List[jnp.array]: """evaluate bins given sorted pairs, pos_count and split_points (in decreasing order)""" n_samples = sorted_pairs.shape[0] neg_count = n_samples - pos_count cumulative_pos_count = 0 cumulative_neg_count = 0 start_pos = 0 end_pos = 0 bins = [] for shard in range(len(split_points)): while (end_pos < n_samples) and ( sorted_pairs[end_pos, 1] > split_points[shard] ): end_pos += 1 t = bin_evaluate( sorted_pairs, start_pos, end_pos, pos_count, neg_count, cumulative_pos_count, cumulative_neg_count, ) bin_report_arr, cumulative_pos_count, cumulative_neg_count = t[0], t[1], t[2] bins.append(bin_report_arr) start_pos = end_pos # last bin bin_report_arr, _, _ = bin_evaluate( sorted_pairs, start_pos, n_samples, pos_count, neg_count, cumulative_pos_count, cumulative_neg_count, ) bins.append(bin_report_arr) return bins
[docs]def bin_evaluate( sorted_pairs, start_pos, end_pos, total_pos_count, total_neg_count, cumulative_pos_count, cumulative_neg_count, ) -> Tuple[jnp.array, int, int]: """Evaluate statistics for a bin. Returns: bin_report_arr: jnp.array an array of size BIN_REPORT_STATISTICS_ENTRY_COUNT cumulative_pos_count: int cumulative_neg_count: int """ if end_pos == start_pos: return jnp.zeros((BIN_REPORT_STATISTICS_ENTRY_COUNT, 1)) # compute new f1 ( true_positive, true_negative, false_positive, false_negative, ) = confusion_matrix_from_cum_counts( cumulative_pos_count, cumulative_neg_count, total_neg_count, total_pos_count ) pos_count = jnp.sum(sorted_pairs[start_pos:end_pos, 0]) neg_count = end_pos - start_pos - pos_count score_sum = jnp.sum(sorted_pairs[start_pos:end_pos, 1]) false_negative -= pos_count true_positive += pos_count true_negative -= neg_count false_positive += neg_count f1_score = compute_f1_score(true_positive, false_positive, false_negative) # fill in rest of eq_bin_reports start_value = float(sorted_pairs[end_pos - 1, 1]) end_value = float(sorted_pairs[start_pos, 1]) positive = int(pos_count) negative = int(neg_count) total = int(end_pos - start_pos) precision, recall, false_positive_rate = precision_recall_false_positive_rate( true_positive, false_positive, false_negative, true_negative ) f1_score = float(f1_score) lift = float(precision * (total_pos_count + total_neg_count) / total_pos_count) predicted_positive_ratio = float(pos_count / total_pos_count) predicted_negative_ratio = float(neg_count / total_neg_count) cumulative_percent_of_positive = float( (pos_count + cumulative_pos_count) / total_pos_count ) cumulative_percent_of_negative = float( (neg_count + cumulative_neg_count) / total_neg_count ) total_cumulative_percent = float( (pos_count + cumulative_pos_count + neg_count + cumulative_neg_count) / (total_pos_count + total_neg_count) ) ks = abs(float(cumulative_percent_of_positive - cumulative_percent_of_negative)) avg_score = float(score_sum / total) # pack into a single array bin_report_arr = jnp.array( [ start_value, end_value, positive, negative, total, precision, recall, false_positive_rate, f1_score, lift, predicted_positive_ratio, predicted_negative_ratio, cumulative_percent_of_positive, cumulative_percent_of_negative, total_cumulative_percent, ks, avg_score, ] ) assert bin_report_arr.size == BIN_REPORT_STATISTICS_ENTRY_COUNT, "{}, {}".format( bin_report_arr.size, BIN_REPORT_STATISTICS_ENTRY_COUNT ) # update cumulative values cumulative_pos_count += pos_count cumulative_neg_count += neg_count return bin_report_arr, cumulative_pos_count, cumulative_neg_count
[docs]def gen_pr_reports(sorted_pairs: jnp.array, thresholds: jnp.array) -> List[jnp.array]: """Generate pr report per specified threshold. Args: sorted_pairs: jnp.array y_true y_score pairs sorted by y_score in increasing order shape n_samples * 2 thresholds: 1d jnp.ndarray prediction thresholds on which to evaluate Returns: pr_report_arr: List[jnp.array] a list of pr reports in jnp.array of shape 3 * 1, list len = len(thresholds) """ tps, fps, all_thresholds = binary_clf_curve(sorted_pairs) n_positive = tps[-1] n_negative = fps[-1] result = [] for t in thresholds: i = jnp.sum(all_thresholds < t) precision = tps[i] / (tps[i] + fps[i]) recall = tps[i] / n_positive false_positive_rate = fps[i] / n_negative pr_report = jnp.array([false_positive_rate, precision, recall]) result.append(pr_report) return result
# section of statistics
[docs]def precision_recall_false_positive_rate( true_positive, false_positive, false_negative, true_negative ) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: precision = true_positive / (true_positive + false_positive) recall = true_positive / (true_positive + false_negative) false_positive_rate = false_positive / (false_positive + true_negative) return float(precision), float(recall), float(false_positive_rate)
[docs]def confusion_matrix_from_cum_counts( cumulative_pos_count, cumulative_neg_count, total_neg_count, total_pos_count ): """Compute the confusion matrix. Args: cumulative_pos_count: int cumulative_neg_count: int total_neg_count: int total_pos_count: int Returns: true_positive: int true_negative: int false_positive: int false_negative: int """ true_positive = cumulative_pos_count true_negative = total_neg_count - cumulative_neg_count false_positive = cumulative_neg_count false_negative = total_pos_count - cumulative_pos_count return true_positive, true_negative, false_positive, false_negative
[docs]def binary_clf_curve(sorted_pairs: jnp.array) -> Tuple[jnp.array, jnp.array, jnp.array]: """Calculate true and false positives per binary classification threshold (can be used for roc curve or precision/recall curve). Args: sorted_pairs: jnp.array y_true y_score pairs sorted by y_score in decreasing order Returns: fps: 1d ndarray False positives counts, index i records the number of negative samples that got assigned a score >= thresholds[i]. The total number of negative samples is equal to fps[-1] (thus true negatives are given by fps[-1] - fps) tps: 1d ndarray True positives counts, index i records the number of positive samples that got assigned a score >= thresholds[i]. The total number of positive samples is equal to tps[-1] (thus false negatives are given by tps[-1] - tps) thresholds : 1d ndarray Distinct predicted score sorted in decreasing order References: Github: scikit-learn _binary_clf_curve. """ # y_score typically consists of tied values. Here we extract # the indices associated with the distinct values. We also # concatenate a value for the end of the curve distinct_indices = jnp.where(jnp.diff(sorted_pairs[:, 1]))[0] end = jnp.array([sorted_pairs.shape[0] - 1]) threshold_indices = jnp.hstack((distinct_indices, end)) thresholds = sorted_pairs[threshold_indices, 1] tps = jnp.cumsum(sorted_pairs[:, 0])[threshold_indices] # (1 + threshold_indices) = the number of positives # at each index, thus number of data points minus true # positives = false positives fps = (1 + threshold_indices) - tps return fps, tps, thresholds
[docs]def roc_curve(sorted_pairs: jnp.array) -> Tuple[jnp.array, jnp.array, jnp.array]: """Compute Receiver operating characteristic (ROC). Compared to sklearn implementation, this implementation eliminates most conditionals and ill-conditionals checking. Args: sorted_pairs: jnp.array y_true y_score pairs sorted by y_score in decreasing order Returns: fpr: ndarray of shape (>2,) Increasing false positive rates such that element i is the false positive rate of predictions with score >= `thresholds[i]`. tpr: ndarray of shape (>2,) Increasing true positive rates such that element `i` is the true positive rate of predictions with score >= `thresholds[i]`. thresholds: ndarray of shape = (n_thresholds,) Decreasing thresholds on the decision function used to compute fpr and tpr. `thresholds[0]` represents no instances being predicted and is arbitrarily set to `max(y_score) + 1`. References: Github: scikit-learn roc_curve. """ fps, tps, thresholds = binary_clf_curve(sorted_pairs) tps = jnp.r_[0, tps] fps = jnp.r_[0, fps] thresholds = jnp.r_[thresholds[0] + 1, thresholds] fpr = fps / fps[-1] tpr = tps / tps[-1] return fpr, tpr, thresholds
[docs]def auc(x, y): """Compute Area Under the Curve (AUC) using the trapezoidal rule. Args: x: ndarray of shape (n,) monotonic X coordinates y: ndarray of shape, (n,) Y coordinates Returns: auc: float Area Under the Curve """ direction = 1 dx = jnp.diff(x) if jnp.any(dx < 0): if jnp.all(dx <= 0): direction = -1 else: raise ValueError("x is neither increasing nor decreasing : {}.".format(x)) area = direction * jnp.trapz(y, x) return area
[docs]def binary_roc_auc(sorted_pairs: jnp.array) -> float: """ Compute Area Under the Curve (AUC) for ROC from labels and prediction scores in sorted_pairs. Compared to sklearn implementation, this implementation is watered down with less options and eliminates most conditionals and ill-conditionals checking. Args: sorted_pairs: jnp.array y_true y_score pairs sorted by y_score in decreasing order, and it has shape n_samples * 2. Returns: roc_auc: float References: Github: scikit-learn _binary_roc_auc_score. """ fpr, tpr, _ = roc_curve(sorted_pairs) return auc(fpr, tpr)
[docs]def compute_f1_score( true_positive: int, false_positive: int, false_negative: int ) -> float: """Calculate the F1 score.""" if true_positive == 0: return 0 if (true_positive + false_positive) == 0: return 0 if (true_positive + false_negative) == 0: return 0 precision = true_positive / (true_positive + false_positive) recall = true_positive / (true_positive + false_negative) return 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall)