Source code for secretflow.utils.simulation.datasets

# Copyright 2022 Ant Group Co., Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import hashlib
import os
import pickle
import zipfile
from collections import namedtuple
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import requests
import scipy

from import HDataFrame
from import FedNdarray, PartitionWay
from import VDataFrame
from secretflow.device.device.pyu import PYU
from import Aggregator
from import Comparator
from secretflow.utils.hash import sha256sum
from import create_df, create_vdf
from import create_ndarray

_CACHE_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.secretflow/datasets')

_Dataset = namedtuple('_Dataset', ['filename', 'url', 'sha256'])

    'iris': _Dataset(
    'dermatology': _Dataset(
    'bank_marketing': _Dataset(
    'mnist': _Dataset(
    'linear': _Dataset(
    'cora': _Dataset(
    'bank_marketing_full': _Dataset(

def _unzip(file, extract_path=None):
    if not extract_path:
        extract_path = str(Path(file).parent)
    with zipfile.ZipFile(file, 'r') as zip_f:

def _download(url: str, filepath: str, sha256: str):
    Path(filepath).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    with open(filepath, 'wb') as f:
        content = requests.get(url, stream=True).content
        h = hashlib.sha256()
        actual_sha256 = h.hexdigest()
        assert (
            sha256 == actual_sha256
        ), f'Failed to check sha256 of {url}, expected {sha256}, got {actual_sha256}.'

def _get_dataset(dataset: _Dataset, cache_dir: str = None):
    if not cache_dir:
        cache_dir = _CACHE_DIR
    filepath = f'{cache_dir}/{dataset.filename}'
    need_download = not Path(filepath).exists()
    if not need_download:
        sha256 = sha256sum(filepath)
        if sha256 != dataset.sha256:
            need_download = True

    if need_download:
        assert (
        ), f'{dataset.filename} does not exist locally, please give a download url.'
        _download(dataset.url, filepath, dataset.sha256)
    return filepath

[docs]def dataset(name: str, cache_dir: str = None) -> str: """Get the specific dataset file path. Args: name: the dataset name, should be one of ['iris', 'dermatology', 'bank_marketing', 'mnist', 'linear']. Returns: the dataset file path. """ assert name and isinstance(name, str), 'Name shall be a valid string.' name = name.lower() return _get_dataset(_DATASETS[name], cache_dir)
[docs]def load_iris( parts: Union[List[PYU], Dict[PYU, Union[float, Tuple]]], axis=0, aggregator: Aggregator = None, comparator: Comparator = None, ) -> Union[HDataFrame, VDataFrame]: """Load iris dataset to federated dataframe. This dataset includes columns: 1. sepal_length 2. sepal_width 3. petal_length 4. petal_width 5. class This dataset originated from `Iris <>`_. Args: parts: the data partitions. The dataset will be distributed as evenly as possible to each PYU if parts is a array of PYUs. If parts is a dict {PYU: value}, the value shall be one of the followings. 1) a float 2) an interval in tuple closed on the left-side and open on the right-side. axis: optional; optional, the value is 0 or 1. 0 means split by row and returns a horizontal partitioning federated DataFrame. 1 means split by column returns a vertical partitioning federated DataFrame. aggregator: optional, shall be provided only when axis is 0. For details, please refer to ``. comparator: optional, shall be provided only when axis is 0. For details, please refer to ``. Returns: return a HDataFrame if axis is 0 else VDataFrame. """ filepath = _get_dataset(_DATASETS['iris']) return create_df( source=filepath, parts=parts, axis=axis, shuffle=False, aggregator=aggregator, comparator=comparator, )
[docs]def load_dermatology( parts: Union[List[PYU], Dict[PYU, Union[float, Tuple]]], axis=0, class_starts_from_zero: bool = True, aggregator: Aggregator = None, comparator: Comparator = None, ) -> Union[HDataFrame, VDataFrame]: """Load dermatology dataset to federated dataframe. This dataset consists of dermatology cancer diagnosis. For the original dataset please refer to `Dermatology <>`_. Args: parts: the data partitions. The dataset will be distributed as evenly as possible to each PYU if parts is a array of PYUs. If parts is a dict {PYU: value}, the value shall be one of the followings. 1) a float 2) an interval in tuple closed on the left-side and open on the right-side. axis: optional, the value could be 0 or 1. 0 means split by row and returns a horizontal partitioning federated DataFrame. 1 means split by column returns a vertical partitioning federated DataFrame. class_starts_from_zero: optional, class starts from zero if True. aggregator: optional, shall be provided only when axis is 0. For details, please refer to ``. comparator: optional, shall be provided only when axis is 0. For details, please refer to ``. Returns: return a HDataFrame if axis is 0 else VDataFrame. """ filepath = _get_dataset(_DATASETS['dermatology']) df = pd.read_csv(filepath) if class_starts_from_zero: df['class'] = df['class'] - 1 return create_df( source=df, parts=parts, axis=axis, shuffle=False, aggregator=aggregator, comparator=comparator, )
[docs]def load_bank_marketing( parts: Union[List[PYU], Dict[PYU, Union[float, Tuple]]], axis=0, full=False, aggregator: Aggregator = None, comparator: Comparator = None, ) -> Union[HDataFrame, VDataFrame]: """Load bank marketing dataset to federated dataframe. This dataset is related with direct marketing campaigns. For the original dataset please refer to `Bank marketing <>`_. Args: parts: the data partitions. The dataset will be distributed as evenly as possible to each PYU if parts is a array of PYUs. If parts is a dict {PYU: value}, the value shall be one of the followings. 1) a float 2) an interval in tuple closed on the left-side and open on the right-side. axis: optional, the value is 0 or 1. 0 means split by row and returns a horizontal partitioning federated DataFrame. 1 means split by column returns a vertical partitioning federated DataFrame. full: optional. indicates whether to load to full version of dataset. aggregator: optional, shall be provided only when axis is 0. For details, please refer to ``. comparator: optional, shall be provided only when axis is 0. For details, please refer to ``. Returns: return a HDataFrame if axis is 0 else VDataFrame. """ if full: filepath = _get_dataset(_DATASETS['bank_marketing_full']) else: filepath = _get_dataset(_DATASETS['bank_marketing']) return create_df( lambda: pd.read_csv(filepath, sep=';'), parts=parts, axis=axis, shuffle=False, aggregator=aggregator, comparator=comparator, )
[docs]def load_mnist( parts: Union[List[PYU], Dict[PYU, Union[float, Tuple]]], normalized_x: bool = True, categorical_y: bool = False, is_torch: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[Tuple[FedNdarray, FedNdarray], Tuple[FedNdarray, FedNdarray]]: """Load mnist dataset to federated ndarrays. This dataset has a training set of 60,000 examples, and a test set of 10,000 examples. Each example is a 28x28 grayscale image of the 10 digits. For the original dataset please refer to `MNIST <>`_. Args: parts: the data partitions. The dataset will be distributed as evenly as possible to each PYU if parts is a array of PYUs. If parts is a dict {PYU: value}, the value shall be one of the followings. 1) a float 2) an interval in tuple closed on the left-side and open on the right-side. normalized_x: optional, normalize x if True. Default to True. categorical_y: optional, do one hot encoding to y if True. Default to True. Returns: A tuple consists of two tuples, (x_train, y_train) and (x_train, y_train). """ filepath = _get_dataset(_DATASETS['mnist']) with np.load(filepath) as f: x_train, y_train = f['x_train'], f['y_train'] x_test, y_test = f['x_test'], f['y_test'] if normalized_x: x_train, x_test = x_train / 255, x_test / 255 if categorical_y: from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder encoder = OneHotEncoder(sparse=False) y_train = encoder.fit_transform(y_train.reshape(-1, 1)) y_test = encoder.fit_transform(y_test.reshape(-1, 1)) return ( ( create_ndarray(x_train, parts=parts, axis=0, is_torch=is_torch), create_ndarray(y_train, parts=parts, axis=0), ), ( create_ndarray(x_test, parts=parts, axis=0, is_torch=is_torch), create_ndarray(y_test, parts=parts, axis=0), ), )
[docs]def load_linear(parts: Union[List[PYU], Dict[PYU, Union[float, Tuple]]]) -> VDataFrame: """Load the linear dataset to federated dataframe. This dataset is random generated and includes columns: 1) id 2) 20 features: [x1, x2, x3, ..., x19, x20] 3) y Args: parts: the data partitions. The dataset will be distributed as evenly as possible to each PYU if parts is a array of PYUs. If parts is a dict {PYU: value}, the value shall be one of the followings. 1) a float 2) an interval in tuple closed on the left-side and open on the right-side. Returns: return a VDataFrame. """ filepath = _get_dataset(_DATASETS['linear']) return create_vdf(source=filepath, parts=parts, shuffle=False)
[docs]def load_cora( parts: List[PYU], data_dir: str = None, add_self_loop: bool = True ) -> Tuple[ FedNdarray, FedNdarray, FedNdarray, FedNdarray, FedNdarray, FedNdarray, FedNdarray, FedNdarray, ]: """Load the cora dataset for split learning GNN. Args: parts (List[PYU]): parties that the paper features will be partitioned evenly. Returns: A tuple of FedNdarray: edge, x, Y_train, Y_val, Y_valid, index_train, index_val, index_test. Note that Y is bound to the first participant. """ assert parts, 'Parts shall not be None or empty!' if data_dir is None: data_dir = os.path.join(_CACHE_DIR, 'cora') if not Path(data_dir).is_dir(): filepath = _get_dataset(_DATASETS['cora']) _unzip(filepath, data_dir) file_names = [ os.path.join(data_dir, f'ind.cora.{name}') for name in ['y', 'tx', 'ty', 'allx', 'ally', 'graph'] ] objects = [] for name in file_names: with open(name, 'rb') as f: objects.append(pickle.load(f, encoding='latin1')) y, tx, ty, allx, ally, graph = tuple(objects) with open(os.path.join(data_dir, f"ind.cora.test.index"), 'r') as f: test_idx_reorder = f.readlines() test_idx_reorder = list(map(lambda s: int(s.strip()), test_idx_reorder)) test_idx_range = np.sort(test_idx_reorder) nodes = scipy.sparse.vstack((allx, tx)).tolil() nodes[test_idx_reorder, :] = nodes[test_idx_range, :] edge_sparse = nx.adjacency_matrix(nx.from_dict_of_lists(graph)) labels = np.vstack((ally, ty)) labels[test_idx_reorder, :] = labels[test_idx_range, :] idx_test = test_idx_range.tolist() idx_train = range(len(y)) idx_val = range(len(y), len(y) + 500) def sample_mask(idx, length): mask = np.zeros(length) mask[idx] = 1 return np.array(mask, dtype=np.bool) train_mask = sample_mask(idx_train, labels.shape[0]) val_mask = sample_mask(idx_val, labels.shape[0]) test_mask = sample_mask(idx_test, labels.shape[0]) y_train = np.zeros(labels.shape) y_val = np.zeros(labels.shape) y_test = np.zeros(labels.shape) y_train[train_mask, :] = labels[train_mask, :] y_val[val_mask, :] = labels[val_mask, :] y_test[test_mask, :] = labels[test_mask, :] def edge_dense(edge: np.ndarray): if add_self_loop: return edge + np.eye(edge.shape[1]) else: return edge.toarray() nodes = nodes.toarray() edge_arr = FedNdarray( partitions={part: part(edge_dense)(edge_sparse) for part in parts}, partition_way=PartitionWay.HORIZONTAL, ) feature_split_idxs = np.rint(np.linspace(0, nodes.shape[1], len(parts) + 1)).astype( np.int32 ) x_arr = FedNdarray( partitions={ part: part( lambda: nodes[:, feature_split_idxs[i] : feature_split_idxs[i + 1]] )() for i, part in enumerate(parts) }, partition_way=PartitionWay.VERTICAL, ) Y_train_arr = FedNdarray( partitions={parts[0]: parts[0](lambda: y_train)()}, partition_way=PartitionWay.HORIZONTAL, ) Y_val_arr = FedNdarray( partitions={parts[0]: parts[0](lambda: y_val)()}, partition_way=PartitionWay.HORIZONTAL, ) Y_test_arr = FedNdarray( partitions={parts[0]: parts[0](lambda: y_test)()}, partition_way=PartitionWay.HORIZONTAL, ) idx_train_arr = FedNdarray( partitions={parts[0]: parts[0](lambda: train_mask)()}, partition_way=PartitionWay.HORIZONTAL, ) idx_val_arr = FedNdarray( partitions={parts[0]: parts[0](lambda: val_mask)()}, partition_way=PartitionWay.HORIZONTAL, ) idx_test_arr = FedNdarray( partitions={parts[0]: parts[0](lambda: test_mask)()}, partition_way=PartitionWay.HORIZONTAL, ) return ( edge_arr, x_arr, Y_train_arr, Y_val_arr, Y_test_arr, idx_train_arr, idx_val_arr, idx_test_arr, )